SEI — ASCE North Jersey Branch
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Structural Seminar

February 17, 2022 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm

Live Webinar

Emerging Developments in Performance-Based Structural-Fire Engineering

Presented by Dr. Spencer Quiel, Associate Professor of Structural Engineering at Lehigh University

Recent reports from a variety of federal agencies and research organizations have recommended the increased use of performance-based provisions for the design of structures to resist unwanted fire rather than prescriptive methods, which are the current state-of-practice in the US. The speaker will discuss the performance-based methods which examine the changes in demand and capacity that occur as a structural member is heated while also considering the effects of its connection to the surrounding structure. These methods can be used to evaluate the ability of structural systems to survive fire until burnout by using realistic fire temperature time histories that include a decay phase. This presentation will compare the current state-of-practice with emerging methods in performance-based design, which is now included in Appendix E of ASCE 7-16 and ASCE’s new Manual of Practice 138.

This program is pending approval for one (1) PDH for NY and NJ PEs.

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Earlier Event: December 7
"Resilient Infrastructure"
Later Event: March 3
COPRI PDH Presentation