Events — ASCE North Jersey Branch


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TTG - Route 495, Route 1&9/Paterson Plank Road Bridge
5:30 PM17:30

TTG - Route 495, Route 1&9/Paterson Plank Road Bridge

Route 495, Route 1&9/Paterson Plank Road Bridge

The Route 495, Route 1&9/Paterson Plank Road Bridge Rehabilitation Project provided for the complete rehabilitation of the mainline structure and two ramp structures and associated approach roadway improvements. Route 495 passes through one of the most densely populated regions in the United States, is the only vehicular access corridor to midtown Manhattan and has an average daily traffic (ADT) of over 150,000 vehicles. It also serves over 1,800 buses daily which travel in the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) Exclusive Bus Lane (XBL) during the weekday morning peak periods from 6 to 10 AM. The XBL moves approximately 65,000 commuters into Manhattan each day of operation and is recognized as one of the most effective transit systems in the Nation. The mainline structure consists of nine spans that carry eight lanes of Route 495 traffic over US-1&9, Liberty Avenue, Paterson Plank Road, Conrail & NYS&W rail lines, and the New Jersey Transit North Bergen Park and Ride Lot.

The presentation will provide information on many of the complexities of completely rehabilitating a complex structure within one of the most densely populated areas of the country and within one of the most congested corridors in the state.

This program is pending approval for 1 PDH for NY and NJ PEs. 

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