This January, Parth Rana (President-Elect) and Juan S. Alfonso, PE (1st Past President) of ASCE North Jersey YMG attended ASCE’s Multi-Region Leadership Conference (MRLC) and Eastern Region Younger Member Council (ERYMC) in Charlotte, North Carolina. They had a great time connecting with many familiar faces and making new connections. The round table sessions offered the chance to learn from various YMG Groups and build a platform to share personal experiences.
At this conference, the ASCE North Jersey Branch YMG received two awards and a grant for our work this past year(s):
1. The Peers Group Award: Awarded to an Outstanding Younger Member Group, as judged by all Younger Member Groups in the Eastern Region. We would like to congratulate the co-winners in this category: ASCE Miami-Dade Branch
This would not have been possible without our 2021-2022 Executive Board. Transitioning to virtual events, brainstorming creative ideas, and then fortunately coming to in-person events, our group did it all!
Juan S. Alfonso, PE
Parth Rana
Elizabeth DeCarlo, P.E., M.ASCE
Emanuel Rodriguez, P.E.
Joshua Liviapoma, PE
Muhammad Akhtar, E.I.T.
Andres F. Gomez-Ortiz, PE
Matthew Travilla
Kristopher Reidy
George H. Hollerbach, Jr., P.E., BCEE, CSP
2. The Outstanding Younger Member Group Project: Awarded for a Younger Member Group Project that had a favorable and measurable impact on the community:
The Group Project is the continuing Pre-College Outreach work that ASCE NJB YMG is doing with Career Carnival for Kids! This award would not have been possible without the involvement and countless hours of volunteering from the following individuals through the years:
Parth Rana
Margarita Restrepo, P.E.
Muhammad Akhtar, E.I.T.
Joshua Liviapoma, PE
Juan S. Alfonso, PE
Mohammad Qasim, PE, PMP
Jay J. Rana, P.E.
Christian Vila, PE
And many other members
And of course, a special thank you to our friends at Career Carnival, Michelle Hollander and Gina! This would not have been possible without you.
3. ASCE MRLC Grant
Thank you to all those involved in planning this conference.